The story of the scream 4

 The story of the scream 4

The story of the scream 4

what's up guys my name is brandon

welcome to quick flicks

today we are wrapping up the scream

series with scream 4 directed by wes


Scream 4 takes place a little over a

decade after the third film but some

awesome news we're actually getting the

fifth film in january of 2021

fair warning though there's a weird

smudge glowy haze over the film

i don't really know if that was like the

lens or if they actually put a filter

Over it

so just note the quality of the vide0

isn't low the movie just looks a bit odd

anyway with all of that out of the way

let's jump into the movie


the movie opens up with two ladies

shanae and trudy chilling in their house

when they get a spooky phone call from a

familiar voice

they geta bit freaked out and hang up

the doorbell rings and they go to


shanae pokes her head out the door but

the coast seems to be clear

oh never mind cheney flips out tries

running out

but gets her throat slit she falls to

her death the stab six title card then


So yes that wasn't the film's stab two


chloe and rachel then turn off the tvnot wanting to continue the film

rachel complains about the movie as she

gets popcorn when she comes back

chloe gets annoyed and stabs her right

in the tummy ouch we then see the stab7

title card

so yes that was another film within a

film we then see two more ladies

jenny and marnie jenny hears a noise

just prank calls marnie pretending to be

the killer

after some giggles jenny makes her way

downstairs not seeing marnie anywhere

familiar voice after getting freaked out

a bit

marnie's corpse gets thrown through the

glass door and in comes ghostface

chasing jenny

they make their way to the garage where

jenny gets stabbed in the back

and tries crawling out ghostface shuts

the door on her and stabs her one last

time for good measures

we then get the scream 4 title cards so

yes this is the actual movie now the

next day

we meet back up with sydney prescott in

woodsboro she's just visiting this time

around as she is now a known author and

doing a book signing for her new

upcoming title about her time throughout

the last three films

we then see dewey who has officiallybecome the sheriff of woods borough

where we meet one of his deputies


judy who is definitely crushing on him

we then meet back up with gail who is

jealous of sydney's success as an author

this motivates her to write her new

entry but is definitely suffering from

writer's block

The story of the scream 4

later that morning we meet sydney's

cousin jill and her homies kirby and

olivia they make their way to school

when joe gets a call from the killer

asking what her favorite scary movie is

but she gets creeped out and hangs up

they get to school and run into the

movie club nerds robbie

and charlie robbie keeps a little

headset on 24 7

streaming his everyday life in the halls

jill's boyfriend trevor finds his way to

her they talk about some issues they're

having in their relationship but

honestly nobody really cares

gail makes her way to sydney's book

signing when dewey and some other


show up

they trace the phone that the killer

used back to this bookstore's


they give the telephone a dial and end

up finding it in sydney's rental vehicle

how in the world did they hear this

ringtone from the bookstore it was inand photos of sid with blood smeared all

Over them

this situation blows up with the media

and everyone finds out about the


the police launch an investigation

trying to solve this thing before it

gets out of hand

gail tries talking to dewey in his

office when judy gets in the way

telling her not to interfere with police

business dewey takes judy's side and

informs gail she can't be interfering

with police business at the moment

this causing some issues in their

marriage outside is rebecca walters

sydney's publicist and personal

assistant she a lot like the og gail

from the first scream

excited about the murders of the two

female teens which she believes will

contribute to her success

later that night we meet jill's mom kate

which is maureen's sister

jill goes to her room where she gets

freaked out by a sneaky trevor

he creepily tries to calm her down and

also gets caught by sydney not a good

look for you dude

sid says goodnight and walks out of the

room to see judy very creepily standing

there in the shadows

The story of the scream 4

and talks to sid about how they used to

go to high school together what a weirdo

later into the night jill and kirby arethe best films ever made shaun of the

dead whenever olivia calls them we find

out olivia lives just across the street

moments after the phone call kirby gets

a call from ghostface

he does the typical ghostface lines when

he dares her to check the closet

kirby bravely opens it up but oh no

that's the wrong closet

ghostface pops out of olivia's closet

and slashes her up across the street

he kills her and smashes her through the

window and waves his little knife around

curbs and jill get the attention of sid

and she bravely runs across the street

to help olivia and take down this darn


she arrives and finds olivia gutted up

jill shows up at the door where

ghostface then appears behind her and

cuts her up

sid charges them and takes that killer


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